Wednesday, July 16, 2008

8 April 2008 Nobbys Headland Development impacting on Nobbys Lighthouse a Commonwealth Heritage Place

The Hunter Regional Committee of the National Trust supports the Ministers intention to refuse the application to redevelop the Nobbys Headland for commercial purposes in EPBC 2006/3179.
The expert report commissioned by Clive Lucas Stapleton 2007 recommends against approval, even with conditions. The heritage impact on the oldest functioning lighthouse in Australia will be permanent.
Clive Lucas confirms the Lighthouse is intact and free standing. “Nobby’s Lighthouse is the lighthouse built on Nobby’s Headland in 1857... It remains highly intact and operative to this date."
The proposal will distort the way the lighthouse has always been seen and depicted, and will distort the image of the lighthouse by building up around it. The Trust urges the refusal of this development because it will destroy our commonwealth heritage icon. There is an opportunity to preserve the iconic Nobbys headland from adverse development for the enjoyment of future generations of Australians, if this development is rejected.

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